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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Higher Nutritional Value of Organics?

I came across this interesting show on NPR's Science Fridays show:
NPR Show

Based on this paper:

In short it discusses a study where conventional vs. organic strawberries were compared for nutritional value and soil diversity.  The finding was that the organic berries had about 10% more vitamin C and other anti-oxidants per unit of measure (pound or whatever) of produce and that the organic fields' soils had greater "healthiness" as measured by their bio-diversity and bio-activity.  Finally, they were also able to show that the organic berries stayed fresh longer and had less phosphorus in them.

Here is what the study didn't talk about:
1) What was the yield difference of the conventional farms vs. the organic farms - this is important because in a sense we should be considering vitamin content per acre of strawberries, not just per pound.  In other words if it is so much lower yield to grow organic strawberries than the amount of berries CONSUMED by the consumer will likely be lower due to the high cost.  Consumers will CONSUME more vitamins because they will and can buy more.  Furthermore, without a study of yield there is no consideration of the reality that a lower yielding agricultural method like organic will require a greater number of farm fields or an over farming of existing fields and that affect needs to be considered.

2) Another point of discussion about yield is that with few plants or fewer berries per plant in an organic field, it is not that the organic process yields more nutrition, it could just be that the over density of conventional methods leads to lower nutrition.  If the conventional fields were planted at lower (equivalent) density, than the results would be different.  Likewise about the soil health.  Perhaps it is just the higher farming densities that are creating the soil health issues, not the methods.  This is a HUGE point that is not mentioned.  Maybe any nutritional or "taste" differences are based on lower plant densities.

3) Pesticide Residue Public Policy Considerations - If there are pesticide residues in the crops but the crops are much cheaper, the policy question comes down to whether we want people eating more produce that might have a bit of residue or possible risk, or whether we prefer that people eat less (because it is more expensive and we don't have the farm land) of organic produce with no residue.

4)  Berry Size -  In the discussion of that there were higher vitamin levels in the organic strawberries pound for pound there is no discussion of vitamin levels berry to berry.  The likelihood that the conventional berries are larger (don't we all see this at the supermarket?) do to the intensity of the conventional fertilizer may mean that the berries have the same vitamin content but since the conventional ones are larger, the conventional berries have less vitamin content per pound.

5) There is nothing to suggest that any findings regarding strawberries in California are generalizable to other crops or even the strawberries in other significantly different climates.


Monday, November 15, 2010

He is a little fast and loose with the facts

I think this guy has captured a good measure of the criticism of the "organic agriculture" movement but may be a bit fast and loose with the details.


He isn't backing up what he is saying but this is representative of what and how many people in this debate handle information...too often it is all about making unsupported facts!!


Monday, November 1, 2010

Organic 'has no health benefits'

UK's Food Standard Agency has done a comprehensive review comparing organic produce to conventional produce and they have concluded that there is no difference between the health benefits of organically produced produce vs. conventional produce.  Here is the BBC summary:


And here is the agency announcement that links to the paper and other resources:

Agency and paper

I will spend some time reviewing the paper and post on it soon.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Organic does not mean free range

Thanks to reader Lisa from Phoenix that forwarded me this article from Huffington Post that talks about how organic eggs, dairy and meat are only organic in their feed and that there is no implication about their treatment. In other words, chickens can be treated as "cruely" as conventional chickens, it is just their feed that is organic.

Article here


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Organic vegetables are not without pesticides

I read an interesting article the other day about so called organic pesticides which are certified for use on organic food.


For some reason, I thought that all farmers could use were things like ladybugs but apparently that isn't the case. There is now the question whether these organically certified pesticides may be as bad for the environment because they may not be so biodegradable, pH reactive and they may be adding to the salt levels of the soil. It is worth a read.


Sunday, October 17, 2010

This guy has indisputable credentials...

This is an amazing interview I can across by the late Norman Borlaug that basically makes the claim that organic agriculture is unsustainable because there isn't enough nitrogen available from organic sources. In other words there isn't enough poop (fertilizer) being produced to provide enough nitrogen in the soil if organic agriculture was the predominant agriculture modality.

Yes, it is from Reason magazine the mouthpiece of the Libertarian movement (yes, that does make it suspect) but on the other hand, this guy won the Nobel Peace prize in the 1970 for AGRICULTURE because the Nobel Committee declared that he did so much to bring about peace through developing farming methods to radically reduce starvation. He is said to be responsible for saving billions (yes, with a "b") lives through his work:

Here is the article:


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